The city mouse and the country mouse 城市老鼠和乡村老鼠

The city mouse and the country mouse 城市老鼠和乡村老鼠

A city mouse and a country mouse were distant relatives. The country mouse wrote a letter to the city mouse. “How are you, my city cousin? Come visit us sometime.” The city mouse in his best suit visited the country mouse.

一只城市老鼠和一只乡村老鼠是远亲。乡下老鼠给城市老鼠写了一封信。 “你怎么样,我的城里表弟?有时间过来看看我们。”穿着最好西装的城市老鼠拜访了乡村老鼠。

“Welcome. Please help yourself before you leave.” The country mouse prepared rice, beans and dried fruit. The city mouse laughed at the food and said.


“Gosh! You invited me over to give me this kind of food? You should come visit me. I will treat you to delicious food.” The city mouse bragged about the city where he was living to the country mouse.


“Thank you for inviting me. I will come over for sure.” Thinking about his trip to the city, the country mouse was too excited to sleep. ‘At last, I’m going to the city tomorrow.’

“谢谢你邀请我,我一定会过来的。”想着自己的城里之行,乡下老鼠兴奋得睡不着觉。 “终于,我明天要去城里了。”

Delighted, the country mouse came to the city mouse’s house. “Knock, knock.” “Anybody home?” “Oh, welcome!” greeted the city mouse cheerfully. The city mouse showed the country mouse all over his house.

很高兴,乡下老鼠来到了城里老鼠的家。 “敲,敲。” “有人在家吗?” “哦,欢迎!”城里老鼠兴高采烈地打招呼。城市老鼠让乡下老鼠看他的房子。

The country mouse was surprised how grand the house was. “The house is really big. Magnificent! I am so proud that you are my relative.” “Don’t mention it.” The city mouse was pleased.

乡下老鼠很惊讶这房子是多么的宏伟。 “房子真大,好壮观!你是我的亲人,我很自豪。” “别提了。”城里老鼠很高兴。

The city mouse led the country mouse to the kitchen. When they climbed up the table, there were a large piece of bread, fruit and cheese on it. “Well, help yourself. I have food like this everyday.” “Wow! They look delicious. I envy you.”

城市老鼠把乡下老鼠带到厨房。当他们爬上桌子时,上面放着一大块面包、水果和奶酪。 “嗯,自己动手吧。我每天都有这样的食物。” “哇!它们看起来很好吃。我羡慕你。”

The country mouse began eating the tasty cheese. It was right then that the kitchen door opened with a bang and a man came in. The city mouse dragged the country mouse and ran away helter-skelter.


Breathing heavily after hiding in the mouse-hole, the city mouse said, “Hugh! That was close.” The country mouse was unable to understand the city mouse’s behavior. However, on the next day and the following day, the same thing happened.


After a few days, the country mouse said to the city mouse, “I should go back to my house in the country. Even if I eat nothing but beans, I can live peacefully. Why don’t you come with me to the country? It would be better than living here nervously like this.”

过了几天,乡下老鼠对城里老鼠说:“我该回乡下的家了,就算只吃豆子,我也能安安稳稳地过日子。你不如跟我一起去乡下吧。 总比这样紧张地住在这里好。”

The city mouse was so embarrassed that he could not do anything. The country mouse came back home and never went back to the city.


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