Lesson 17 Criticism & Complaint

  • 你这么做不对!
    nǐ zhè me zuò bù duì !
    You’re wrong!

  • 以后别说这样的话!
    yǐ hòu bié shuō zhè yàng de huà !
    Stop talking like that!

  • 你的作业太乱了,下次要认真点儿!
    nǐ de zuò yè tài luàn le , xià cì yào rèn zhēn diǎnr !
    Your homework is too messy. Please be careful next time.

  • 你怎么老是迟到?
    nǐ zěn me lǎo shì chí dào ?
    Why do you keep being late all the time?

  • 你就不能早点儿起床?
    nǐ jiù bù néng zǎo diǎnr qǐ chuáng ?
    Can’t you get up earlier?

  • 每天上下班要花两个小时,太不方便了。
    měi tiān shàng xià bān yào huā liǎng gè xiǎo shí , tài bù fāng biàn le 。
    It takes me two hours to go to work and return home everyday. It’s so inconvenient.

  • 你们的服务太差了。
    nǐ mén de fú wù tài chà le 。
    Your service is far from satisfactory.