Mandarin course hong kong-Do you have a minute to talk?


♦A: 嗨,你有空和我谈谈吗 ?
Hāi, nǐ yǒu kòng hé wǒ tán tán ma?
Hi, do you have a minute to talk?
♦B: 当然了。怎么啦?你看 上去不太高兴。
Dāngránle. Zěnme la? Nǐ kàn shàngqù bù tài gāoxìng.
Sure. What’s going on? You don’t look too happy.
♦A: 我确实不高兴。我和凯特恐怕要玩完了。
Wǒ quèshí bù gāoxìng. Wǒ hé kǎitè kǒngpà yào wán wánliǎo.
I’m not. I’m afraid I blew it with Kate.
♦B: 此话怎讲?
Cǐ huà zěn jiǎng?
What do you mean you blew it with Cindy?
♦A: 昨天下午她说想去看电影。我说我也想去,但是我 的钱不够。于是我就问她能不能连 我的票买了。哇!她听了之后勃然大怒!
Zuótiān xiàwǔ tā shuō xiǎng qù kàn diànyǐng. Wǒ shuō wǒ yě xiǎng qù, dànshì wǒ de qián bùgòu. Yúshì wǒ jiù wèn tā néng bùnéng lián wǒ de piào mǎile. Wa! Tā tīng liǎo zhīhòu bórán dà nù!
Well, yesterday afternoon she mentioned that she would like to go to the movies. I said I’d like to go too but I didn’t have enough money. So I asked her if she wouldn’t mind paying my way. Wow! She really blew a fuse.
♦B: 我能想象当时的情景。 后来呢?
Wǒ néng xiǎngxiàng dāngshí de qíngjǐng. Hòulái ne?
I can imagine. What happened then?
♦A: 她骂了我将近十分钟,说我是她见过的最小气 的男人,说我是失败者,然后就 摔门走了。我到现在还一直没有见 到她,也没有跟她谈过,我不 知该怎么做才能跟她和好。
Tā màle wǒ jiāngjìn shí fēnzhōng, shuō wǒ shì tā jiànguò de zuìxiǎo qì de nánrén, shuō wǒ shì shībài zhě, ránhòu jiù shuāi mén zǒuliǎo. Wǒ dào xiànzài huán yīzhí méiyǒu jiàn dào tā, yě méiyǒu gēn tā tánguò, wǒ bùzhī gāi zěnme zuò cáinéng gēn tā hé hǎo.
She told me off for about ten minutes, told me that I was the cheapest guy she has ever met, called me loser, and then stormed off. I haven’t seen her or talked to her since then, and I don’t know what to do to make up with her.
♦B: 别着急,慢慢来。我会和她去谈谈,为你 们打个圆场。但是下次可别再犯这样 的错误了,怎么样?女孩子们讨厌你让她们 付钱。
Bié zhāojí, màn man lái. Wǒ huì hé tā qù tán tán, wèi nǐmen dǎ gè yuánchǎng. Dànshì xià cì kě bié zàifàn zhèyàng de cuòwùle, zěnme yàng? Nǚ háizimen tǎoyàn nǐ ràng tāmen fù qián.
Well, just take it easy. I’ll have a word with her to try to smooth things over. But don’t make a mistake like that again. Ok? Girls hate it when you ask them to pay.
♦A: 我尽量不犯,相信我吧 !
Wǒ jǐnliàng bùfàn, xiāngxìn wǒ ba!
I’ll try not to, believe me!
♦B: 好吧。下一次就找个借口说你第二天要考试!
Hǎo ba. Xià yīcì jiù zhǎo gè jièkǒu shuō nǐ dì èrtiān yào kǎoshì!
Good, next time just make an excuse about having an exam the next day!
♦A: 谢谢你的建议。
Xièxiè nǐ de jiànyì.
Thanks for the advice.