Chinese Language Course – Reading – Revelations on a Bomb Run III

“But Daddy,” they have asked me, “the papers say the Atom Bomb will kill off the human race someday, is that so?” How certainly I can assure them now, believing in the impoverish ability of man as I do. People said that when the spear came into existence, and the bow and arrow, and guns and bullets, and planes and bombs. But there has been someone more powerful than all these forces, and so we are here today, greater in number, healthier in body, and more advanced in science and learning than ever.

Chinese Language Course – Reading – Revelations on a Bomb Run III

Have patience with all this hysteria, I tell them. After all, mankind is only a youngster, like one of you. The Earth is an unknown millions of years old, while man is a mere 6,000 years of age. Mankind is still growing up, comparatively, and his growth can be likened to your own. Its like you and the neighboring children who have words and fight. Someone gets a black eye, but you make up and then you work and play together again, and as you grow more mature you fight less often because you become more intelligent. So will it be with the world.

In giving these simple facts to my children, I continually add to my own faith in mankind. I believe man is basically good in heart, spiritually indestructible, and his place in the sun is assured because he is in God’s image. I believe all these things, sincerely; but more important, my children believe them, for it is they who hold the combination to man’s future peace and happiness.




“dàn shì ,bà bɑ ,”tā men dōu wèn wǒ ,“bào zhǐ shuō ,yuán zǐ dàn shā sǐ rén lèi de yì tiān ,shì zhè yàng mɑ ?”wǒ dāng rán kě yǐ xiàng tā men bǎo zhèng ,xiàn zài ,xiāng xìn xiàng wǒ yī yàng zài biàn qióng de rén de néng lì 。rén men shuō ,dāng jìn rù le cún zài de máo ,gōng jiàn ,qiāng hé zǐ dàn ,fēi jī hé zhà dàn 。dàn yī zhí yǒu rén bǐ suǒ yǒu zhè xiē lì liàng gēng qiáng dà ,suǒ yǐ wǒ men jīn tiān zài zhè lǐ ,gèng dà de shù liàng ,zài shēn tǐ jiàn kāng ,gēng xiān jìn de kē xué hé xué xí bǐ yǐ wǎng rèn hé shí hòu 。

yǒu zhè yī qiè xiē sī dǐ lǐ de nài xīn ,wǒ gào sù tā men 。bì jìng ,rén lèi zhǐ yǒu yī gè nián qīng rén ,xǐ huān nǐ 。dì qiú shì yī gè wèi zhī de shù bǎi wàn suì ,ér nán rén zhǐ shì yī gè 6000 suì 。rén lèi réng zài zēng zhǎng ,xiāng duì lái shuō ,kě yǐ bǐ yù wéi zì jǐ hé tā de chéng zhǎng 。tā xiàng nǐ hé lín jìn de hái zi ,yǒu huà hé dòu zhēng 。yǒu rén dé dào yī gè hēi sè de yǎn jīng ,dàn nǐ huà zhuāng ,rán hòu nǐ de gōng zuò ,zài yì qǐ wán ,nǐ biàn de gèng jiā chéng shú ,nǐ jīng cháng dǎ shǎo ,yīn wéi nǐ biàn de gēng cōng míng 。yīn cǐ ,zhè jiāng shì yú shì jiè tóng bù 。

zài zhè xiē jiǎn dān de shì shí ,gěi wǒ de hái zi ,wǒ bù duàn dì tiān jiā dào wǒ zài rén lèi zì jǐ de xìn yǎng 。wǒ xiāng xìn rén jī běn shàng shì liáng hǎo de xīn ,jīng shén jiān bù kě cuī ,bìng bǎo zhèng tā zài tài yáng de dì fāng ,yīn wéi tā shì shén de xíng xiàng 。wǒ xiāng xìn suǒ yǒu zhè xiē shì qíng ,zhēn chéng de ,dàn gēng zhòng yào de shì ,wǒ de hái zi xiāng xìn tā men ,yīn wéi zhè shì tā men shuí chí yǒu rén de wèi lái de hé píng yǔ xìng fú de zǔ hé 。