A Popular Folk Drama in Ancient China-Shadow play 中國古代民間電影——皮影戲

Shadow play is a popular folk drama in ancient China, and it is the ancestor of world films. At that time, it brought people pleasure as modern movies and TVs do. In modern society, it’s very difficult to find the mysterious drama again.
Shadow play is one of the oldest operas in China. It rooted in ancient Chang’an over 2000 years ago, and prevailed in Tang Dynasty and Song dynasty. Shadow play is also called light shadow play; it’s like a kind of beast hides or chipboards. Actors sing attended by music, and control shadow tools at the same time. The contents of those plays are more about traditional historical drama and fable stories. It combines some characters of drama, music and paintings, and is an integration of literator’s writing, handicraftsmen’s carving and painting, and folk singing. It’s delightful, abundant, suiting both refined and popular tastes, and contains rich culture and art resources. Shadow play is the treasure in the world culture and art family.


zhōng guó gǔ dài mín jiān diàn yǐng ——pí yǐng xì

pí yǐng xì shì zhōng guó gǔ dài mín jiān de 「diàn yǐng 」。shì shì jiè diàn yǐng de shǐ zǔ ,dāng nián ,tā dài gěi rén men de jīng shén yú yuè sī háo bú xùn yú xiàn dài de diàn yǐng 、diàn shì 。jīn tiān ,shén qí de pí yǐng xì yǐ jīng hěn nán zài mì zōng yǐng 。
pí yǐng xì shì zhōng guó zuì gǔ lǎo de xì jù xíng shì zhī yī ,yuán yú 2000yú nián qián de zhōng guó gǔ dài cháng ān ,shèng xíng yú táng 、sòng 。pí yǐng xì yòu sú chēng dēng yǐng xì ,shì yī zhǒng yòng dēng guāng zhào shè shòu pí huò zhǐ bǎn zuò chéng de rén wù jiǎn yǐng yǐ biǎo yǎn gù shì de zhōng guó běn tǔ xì jù 。yì rén yī biān cāo zòng pí yǐng dào jù yī biān yǎn chàng ,bìng pèi yǐ yīn lè 。yǎn chū de nèi róng duō wéi chuán tǒng de lì shǐ xì 、shén huà jù děng 。pí yǐng xì zōng hé le xì jù 、yīn yuè 、měi shù de mǒu xiē tè diǎn ,jí wén rén xiě zuò 、yì rén kè huì yǔ mín jiān yǎn chàng wéi yī tǐ ,bié zhì 、fēng fù ,yǎ sú gòng shǎng ,yùn cáng zhe jí wéi fēng fù de wén huà yì shù zī yuán 。shì shì jiè wén huà yì shù de guī bǎo 。