
♦A: 嗨,凯特。
Hāi, kǎitè.
Hi, Kate..
♦B: 嗨,宋。你为什么事 这么生气?
Hāi, sòng, nǐ wèishéme shì zhème shēngqì?
Hi, Song. What are you so upset about?
♦A: 王快气死我了!她总是迟到。
wáng kuài qì sǐ wǒ le !tā zǒng shì chí dào 。
I’m furious with Wang ! She’s always late.
♦B: 总是?你为什么不和她 好好谈一谈,鼓励她准时一点,或者 告诉她你对这件事很恼火呢?
Zǒng shì? Nǐ wèishéme bù hé tā hǎohǎo tán yī tán, gǔlì tā zhǔnshí yīdiǎn, huòzhě gàosu tā nǐ duì zhè jiàn shì hěn nǎohuǒ ne?
Always? Why don’t you talk it over with her? Encourage her to be on time, or tell her how much it annoys you?
♦A: 告诉你,我已经费尽口舌,却毫无成效。要说服她真的是不可能 的。
Gàosu nǐ, wǒ yǐjīng fèi jìn kǒushé, què háo wú chéngxiào. Yào shuōfú tā zhēn de shì bù kěnéng de.
Look! I’ve talked till I’m blue in the face. It’s out of the question.
♦B: 你一定会有办法的。
Nǐ yīdìng huì yǒu bànfǎ de.
There must be something you can do.
♦A: 我很怀疑这一点,昨晚 我们去听音乐会。你知道我们什么时候到 的吗?正好赶上中间的休息时 间,我们误了一半!
Wǒ hěn huáiyí zhè yīdiǎn, zuó wǎn wǒmen dāngqián qù tīng yīnyuè huì, nǐ zhīdào wǒmen dāngqián shénme shíhou dào de ma? Zhènghǎo gǎn shàng zhōngjiān de xiūxí shíjiān, wǒmen wùchāle yībàn!
I doubt it. Last night we went to a concert. Do you know what time we got there? Just in time to go out for the intermission! We missed half of the show!
♦B: 那我想你确实是徒劳了 。时间对王来说是没有用的。
Nà wǒ xiǎng nǐ quèshí shì túláole. shíjiān duì wáng lái shuō shì méiyǒu yòng de.
I guess you’re just wasting your breath then. Time means nothing to Wang.
♦A: 是啊。我想我以后不跟她交往了。
Shì a wǒ xiǎng wǒ yǐhòu bù gēn tā jiāowǎngle.
You’re right. I guess I should just stop doing things with her.
♦B: 你倒没必要那么过分。只要别再浪费时间等她 就行了。
Nǐ dào méi bìyào nàme guòfèn, zhǐyào bié zài làngfèi fābiǎo děng tā jiùxíngle.
You don’t have to go that far. Just don’t waste your time waiting for her.
♦A: 我想你说得对。那我就让她在饭馆或是 电影院等我。
Wǒ xiǎng nǐ shuō de duì, nà wǒ jiù ràng tā zài fànguǎn huò shì diànyǐngyuàn děng wǒ.
I guess you’re right. I could just tell her to meet me at the restaurant or movie.
♦B: 对。那样的话,她若迟到就是她的问题而与你无关。
Duì, nàyàng dehuà, tā jiān chídào jiùshì tā de wèntí ér yǔ nǐ wúguān.
Right. Then if she’s late, it’s her problem not yours.
♦A: 谢谢你的建议。非常感谢!
Xièxiè nǐ de jiànyì fēicháng gǎnxiè!
Thanks for your advice! I appreciate it!