

♦A: 对不起,凯特,时间不早了,我想我们该走了。
Duìbùqǐ, kǎitè, shíjiān bù zǎole, wǒ xiǎng wǒmen gāi zǒuliǎo.
Excuse me,Kate? It’s getting late, so I’m afraid we’ll have to be leaving.
♦B: 哦,这么快就走啊?你们好像才来呀!
Ó, zhème kuài jiù zǒu a? Nǐmen hǎoxiàng cái lái ya!
Oh, so early? It seems like you just got here!
♦A: 我明天早上要开车去机场赶8点钟 的飞机。我们今晚在这里玩得很 开心,凯特。谢谢你的盛情邀请。
Wǒ míngtiān zǎoshang yào kāichē qù jīchǎng gǎn 8 diǎn zhōng de fēijī. Wǒmen jīn wǎn zài zhèlǐ wán de hěn kāixīn, kǎitè. Xièxiè nǐ de shèngqíng yāoqǐng.
Well, I’ve got to get up and drive to the airport for an eight o’clock plane tomorrow. We’ve really had a wonderful time, Kate. Thank you very much for inviting us.
♦B: 喂,宋,我们何不下周找个时间 在城里一起吃顿午饭?那时我们可以多聊一聊 。
Wèi, sòng, wǒmen hé bùxià zhōu zhǎo gè shíjiān zài chéng lǐ yīqǐ chī dùn wǔfàn? Nà shí wǒmen kěyǐ duō liáo yī liáo.
Say,Song, why don’t we meet downtown for lunch some day next week? We could talk more then.
♦A: 好啊!
Hǎo a! .
I’d love to!
♦B: 我听说希尔顿的海鲜不错。
Wǒ tīng shuō xī’ěrdùn dì hǎixiān bùcuò.
I’ve heard the Hilton has delicious seafood.
♦A: 噢!太好了,我喜欢吃 海鲜。
Ō! Tài hǎole, wǒ xǐhuan chī hǎixiān.
Oh! That sounds wonderful. I love seafood.
♦B: 我回头给你电话再确定时间。
Wǒ huítóu gěi nǐ diànhuà zài quèdìng shíjiān.
I’ll give you a call later on and we can decide the time.
♦A:  好的,我们今晚过得很愉快。再次感谢你。
Hǎo de, wǒmen jīn wǎnguò de hěn yúkuài. Zàicì gǎnxiè nǐ.
Well, it’s been a fantastic evening. Again, thank you very much.
♦B: 你的到来是我的荣幸。
Nǐ de dàolái shì wǒ de róngxìng.
It was my pleasure having you.
♦A: 我会等你电话的。
Wǒ huì děng nǐ diànhuà de.
I’ll look forward to your phone call.
♦B: 再次感谢。晚安。
Zàicì gǎnxiè. Wǎn’ān.
Thanks again. Good night.
♦A: 晚安。
Good night.