Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day

Establishment Day, formally the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day (Chinese:香港特別行政區成立紀念日), is celebrated annually on 1 July in Hong Kong since 1997. The holiday commemorates the transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the People’s Republic of China and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.The similarly-named holiday in Macau occurs on December 20, the day of its handover from Portugal.

Hong Kong’s territory was acquired by United Kingdom from China through three separate treaties: the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, the Treaty of Beijing in 1860, and The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory in 1898, which gave the UK the control of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon (area south of Boundary Street), and the New Territories  (area north of Boundary Street and south of the Shenzhen River,and outlying islands), respectively. Although Hong Kong Island and Kowloon had been ceded to the United Kingdom in perpetuity, the control on the New Territories was a 99-year lease.

The day was made into a holiday by the Provisional Legislative Council on 10 May 1997 when it passed the Holidays (1997 and 1998) Bill, its first bill.

The Legislative Council under the colonial government adopted the Public Holiday (Special Holidays 1997) Bill on 17 June 1997 by 27 votes to nine, with the Liberal Party abstaining. The government tabled the bill for first reading in Legco in April 1997, two weeks after the provisional legislature had completed the first and second readings of its own holidays bill. The government was fiercely criticised by provisional legislature members who said it was a political tactic to embarrass the interim body.

The bill gave legal existence of 1 and 2 July as public holidays in 1997 in addition to the then current holidays under the Holidays Ordinance (Cap 149). The bill’s purpose was to ensure both are paid holidays in the absence of a functioning government during the handover.

香港特別行政區成立紀念日(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day)又被稱為香港回歸紀念日,為每年7月1日,為紀念1997年7月1日香港迴歸中華人民共和國及成立香港特別行政區而設立的紀念日。

xiāng gǎng tè bié xíng zhèng qū chéng lì jì niàn rì yòu bèi chēng wéi xiāng gǎng huí guī jì niàn rì ,wéi měi nián 7yuè 1rì ,wéi jì niàn 1997nián 7yuè 1rì xiāng gǎng huí guī zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó jí chéng lì xiāng gǎng tè bié xíng zhèng qū ér shè lì de jì niàn rì 。


zài xiāng gǎng tè bié xíng zhèng qū chéng lì dāng nián (1997nián ),céng jīng shè yǒu xiāng gǎng tè bié xíng zhèng qū chéng lì jì niàn rì yì rì de jià qī (7yuè 2rì ,zhī hòu chú fēi 7yuè 1rì dāng rì shì zhōu rì ,fǒu zé bù huì zài yú dāng rì shè zhì jià  qī )。


měi nián 7yuè 1rì zǎo shàng 7shí 58fèn ,xíng zhèng zhǎng guān huì tóng háng zhèng huì yì chéng yuán jí gè xiāng gǎng zhèng fǔ gāo jí guān yuán dōu huì chū xí zài wān zǎi jīn zǐ jīng guǎng chǎng jǔ xíng de shēng qí yí shì ,yì huì jǔ xíng xiāng gǎng tè bié háng zhèng qū chéng lì jì niàn jiǔ huì ,yāo qǐng gè jiè jiā bīn chū xí 。chuán tǒng shàng měi nián dōu yǒu zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó dǎng hé guó jiā lǐng dǎo rén zài tè bié xíng zhèng qū chéng lì jì niàn rì qián hòu dào fǎng xiāng gǎng 。


jì niàn rì dāng rì ,xiāng gǎng zhèng fǔ hé shè huì tuán tǐ huì zǔ zhī guò bǎi xiàng jì niàn huó dòng ,lì rú xiāng gǎng huí guī zú qiú sài 、qìng zhù huí guī jiā nián huá jí xiāng gǎng tè bié xíng zhèng qū chéng lì zhōu nián jì niàn yān huā huì yǎn děng 。