A Kind of Social Activity in China-Temple Fairs 中國民間的一種社會活動——庙会

The temple fair is a kind of social activity in China. Legend has it that it originated in ancient times when people offered sacrificed to the village god, which later gradually evolved into a marketplace for people to exchange products and a place for culture performance.
The temple fair, usually on the open ground in or near a temple, is held on festive or specified days. Some are held only during the Spring Festival. Although different places hold their temple fair at various dates, the contents are similar. Farmers and merchants sell their farm produce, local specialties, and antique, jade articles, flowers, birds and fish; craftsmen set up their stalls to show and sell their handicrafts and specialty snacks, giving the temple fair a bustling atmosphere.


zhōng guó mín jiān de yī zhǒng shè huì huó dòng——miào huì

miào huì shì zhōng guó mín jiān de yī zhǒng shè huì huó dòng ,jù shuō qǐ yuán yú gǔ dài de jì sì tǔ dì shén ,yǐ hòu zhú jiàn biàn chéng le yī zhǒng mín jiān wù pǐn jiāo liú de jí shì hé wén huà biǎo yǎn de chǎng suǒ 。
miào huì yī bān shè zài sì miào lǐ hé sì miào fù jìn de kōng chǎng shàng ,zài jié rì huò guī dìng de rì zǐ jǔ bàn 。yǒu de zhī zài měi nián chūn jiē qī jiān jǔ bàn 。suī rán gè dì jǔ bàn miào huì de shí jiān bù tóng ,dàn jī běn nèi róng dōu chà bù duō 。miào huì qī jiān ,nóng hù 、shāng fàn dài zì jǐ shēng chǎn de nóng chǎn pǐn 、tǔ tè chǎn hé cóng gè chù shōu jí lái de gǔ wán yù qì 、huā niǎo yú chóng 、dào miào huì shàng jìn xíng jiāo yì ;gè lù shǒu yì rén shè tān zhǎn mài mín jiān gōng yì pǐn hé tè sè xiǎo chī ;mín jiān yì rén dā tái biǎo yǎn gē wǔ qǔ yì ……guàng miào huì de lǎo bǎi xìng xǐ qì yáng yáng dì gǎn lái mǎi mài wù pǐn ,guān kàn biǎo yǎn ,pǐn cháng xiǎo chī ,zhēn shì fēi cháng rè nào 。